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GOAS Financial Details:​


GOAS INCOME: $ 17,100

 GOAS EXPENSES: $ 20,646.

(Paper, new BWK chairs, Christian+American flags,

Annual GMM pocket calendars, more A-frames with gospel verse

and hymn posters,lawn signs, GMM shirts, GMM banners, the weekly Coaster ads,

more PA equipment, gospel tracts, increased honorariums with inflation,

some limited overnights for those at a distance, some meals,

some ministry van expenses, digital ads in the Tri-State News,

a OGCMA GMM Series shortfall from 2021, supplies, printer cartridges,

more postage, GMM pads, envelopes, poster paper, Honorariums &

and OGCMA Copy Machine Usage Donation).




GOAS INCOME: $ 1420 (Donations: $ 320, JSGMF Transfers: $ 1100.).

GOAS EXPENSES: $ 1768.28 (Envelopes & paper: $ 506.98,

Postage: $ 200, Copy Machine Donation: $ 200,

Stuff & Mailings/Poster Delivery: $ 335, Computer supplies: $ 130.57,

Partial Summer Honorarium coverage: $ 150, PA Equip: $ 245.73).


Perhaps there is a donor(s) who might like to help us with this 

annual ongoing GOAS account?  We need your support.  

A JSGMF/GOAS tax-ded. receipt will be sent.



This Tax-Deductible Account, separate from the Winter Series, receives donations for the over and above Summer Expenses, above what the OGCMA gives GMM as a “budget” to work with. We have a WHITE multi-purpose Donation envelope for that purpose. With making your check out to: “ G.O.A.S. ”, with “ Summer GMM Bills ” on the memo line, it can then be put to use for the gospel outreach materials and additional/left-over bills from the summer, anticipated again each summer season.

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